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Home Learning Information

Oh, how things have changed! With this week’s announcement that school will be cancelled for the remainder of the school year, we are facing yet another round of changes.

Beginning April 17, I will have working office hours of 8:00-10:00 Monday-Friday. During this time, I will be available to answer any questions you might have and help you in any way that I can. I will be using this time to answer Dojo texts, respond to emails, contact parents, and plan and post science work.

Each week, the students will have a science video and quiz assignment that will be worth 25 points. These points will be added together for a total of up to 100 bonus points that will be added to the third nine weeks grades. These assignments will be posted on Google classroom by 8:00 each Monday morning and will be due by 9:00 every Friday morning. I need each student to log in to Google Classroom and enter our class code. Our code is qfeu46q. Please do this by tomorrow afternoon so I can get things ready to go for Monday.